Buying Property in Morocco - An Attractive Overseas Investment

Expert Author Ahmed Yermak
The property in Morocco is fast becoming an overseas investor favorite due to its transparent economy and huge potential on this flourishing market. The media has indeed elevated its status by such large projects as the 'Vision 2010' which encompassed vast economic developments and widespread upgrades to the tourist sector.

There has been an increase in televised programs and newspapers that continuously publicize the rise of the Moroccan property market, with statistics now showing that currently 3 out of 5 African properties owned by Europeans overseas are within Morocco. This figure is very likely to increase as the government continues to push more initiatives to favor foreign investment and tourism, a win-win situation as the country's economic growth steadily increases and foreign investors will eye a much more favorable market amongst its nearby competition of the likes of Spain, Egypt, Turkey and even Dubai, which are struggling with the pace at which Moroccan properties are rapidly converting.

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), tourism in Morocco is set for steady growth within the next 5 years by between two and four percent. More tourism means the need for more accommodation; the property rental in Morocco is booming and attracting investors in the plenty. Luxury hotels are being built and upgraded all over the country; to name Marrakech that will be opening 20 large 5 star hotel within the festive season alone.

Among the British who now see Morocco real estate as a better option than its Spanish counterpart, so do the Spanish, the French and the Italians. Where the Spanish property market is over saturated with higher risk and prices, the Moroccan property market is still young and has a lower risk to returns ratio.

Moroccan property investor view points:
• Excellent all year round weather conditions
• Purchase tax only 1.0% on the total price
• Government registration fee 4%.
• Legal fees 0.5%.
• Property Agency commission 2.5% - 3%
• Rental income taxed at 13.5%. Rental income is free from tax for the first 5 years.
• 20% Capital Gains Tax if sold within 5 years, 10% to 10 years, 0% thereafter.
• Casablanca and Marrakech property prices average at around €2,000 m².
• Local property rental market yields at around 7% - 10%
• Real Estate prices may increase by as much as 35% in some hot spots
The Moroccan property market is currently at a boom, this is the time to invest if you are capable: visit  to .
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Morocco Tourism

Expert Author Swati Saxena
Where the dessert sways away the feet of the land, where coasts romances plains beside the horizon, where the colossal minarets apparently whisper the tales of culture, tradition and history in the ears of sky, where the sojourners are pampered with the moments of sheer bliss and where arts and crafts mark the cultural phenomena of the place - such is the invigorating atmosphere of Morocco.

The multicultural ethnicity offers a very conducive environment to the visitors where on one hand they can indulge in the ecstasy of emerald water while on the other feel the warmth of love at white sand desert, where they can see lush valleys challenging the peaks of Atlas Mountains. No wonder Morocco enjoys the charm of being one of the most frequented destinations of Africa in the itineraries of the globe trotters.

Morocco has had a glorious past where the original inhabitants of it, the Berbers, had to see the invasions of Phoenicians, Carthiginians, Vandals, Byzantines etc. It was only in the 682 AD when the Arabs arrived here that it saw several dynasties established by the Arabs. The history of Morocco is marked with a conflict between the Berbers and the Arabs. The territorial disputes of Morocco also form a strong foundation of country's history.

The fabulous history renders an authentic culture to Morocco. Being a Muslim country, the forbidden lines are never crossed. Wearing of ostentatious outfits is not allowed to the women in the country. Even the visitors here should be aware of this fact so as to enjoy a hassle free tour here.

The religious sentiments are thoroughly revered to by the citizens and especially during the month of auspicious Ramadan. Homosexuality may be the buzz of the modern world, but here it is a criminal offence. The sexual relationships outside marriage are legally punishable. But the conservatism of Morocco doesn't mean that it lags behind in modernity. Morocco, in its own way, is a perfect blend of contemporary fads and traditional culture.

The visitors to Morocco have enormous opportunities to soak themselves in the rapture of fun activities. It is very hard to resist the temptations of adventure sports of Morocco including trekking and hiking, walking to the Atlas Mountains, golfing, horse riding offered at the clubs, water sports that are a real attraction of the sun kissed beaches, skiing, and the four wheeler motor drives. These activities are more than enough to keep the travelers busy.

Travelers to the country cannot afford to miss to the tourist attractions of Morocco also. These attractions have secured a permanent place in the itinerary of the travelers. Some of them include the Koutoubia Mosque (mosque of the booksellers), Djemaa el-Fna, Dar Si Saïd Museum, Saadian tomb, Oukaimeden in Marrakech; Karaouine Mosque, Tanneries, Fez City Gates, Zaouia Moulay Idriss II in Fez.
Rabat shelters some of the best attractions of Morocco like Kasbah des Oudaïas, Palaces, Archaeological Museums, gardens, the citadel of Chellah, Hasan Mosque, Madina, Casablanca, Temara and many more. The popular places of Morocco that are on hit list of travelers are Asilah, Fez, Marrakech, Imil Gorges, Rabat, Tangier, Tineher, Merzouga Dunes and Zagora.

To have an experience of a lifetime a trip to Morocco is a requisite. So what are you guys waiting for? Just pack your bags, get your bookings done and there you fly for Morocco to have a platter of culture, tradition, art and craft, adventure sports, fun filled activities, heart throbbing destinations and scintillating tourist attractions.

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Top 5 Tourist Spots in Morocco

Expert Author David Gonzalez C.
Morocco is a fascinating country located at a stone's throw from Europe and enjoying two seas, several impressive mountain ranges, a delicious cuisine and an amazing history. Its architecture, traditions, archaeological sites, religious buildings and souks are definitely worth a visit, so here are just a few of the innumerable sites whose visit is highly recommended.

1. Djemaa el Fna square in Marrakech
The Djemaa el Fna square, which dates from the 11th century, is the main square in Marrakech and the most famous place of the Ochre City. It is one of the largest and more animated squares in the world. Moreover, as pointed out by the Spanish writer Juan Goytisolo on his article Jemaa-el-Fna's thousand and one nights, the square is "the only place on the planet where musicians, storytellers, dancers, jugglers and bards put on a new show before large crowds every day of the year".

The square's entertainments are innumerable and curious and include, among many others, snake charmers, henna tattooists, story tellers, fortune tellers, scribes, transvestite dancers, acrobats, marabouts or spiritual masters stating their teachings, street dentists, water sellers, Barbary apes tamers, all kinds of musicians and dancers, fairground attractions, magicians and traditional potions dealers.

2. Al-Karaouiyine Mosque and University in Fez
Al-Karaouiyine is one of the most important mosques and the oldest continuous operating university in the world. Its construction started in 857, but its architecture has evolved and grown throughout history until it became, in the 10th and 11th centuries, one of the most important educational centers and one of the first universities in the world. Several distinguished personalities studied there, such as the precursors of Sufism Ibn Hrizim, Abou Madyane or Abdeslam Ben Mchich Alami, the philosophers Avenpace and Averroès, the geographer Al Idrissi, as well as Maimonides and Ibn Khaldoun among many others.
The Al Karaouine mosque is nowadays the largest mosque in North Africa and it can hold more than 20.000 worshippers. Its design is rather austere, with plain white columns and arches and floors covered with reed mats instead of lush carpets. The mosque has 270 columns making 16 naves of 21 arches each, a sight that evokes a majestic and intimate forest of arches, in contrast with the simplicity of the design compliments the finely decorated niches, pulpit and outer courtyard.

3. Volubilis
Volubilis is an ancient Roman city located on the banks of the wadi Khoumane, near the imperial city of Meknes, and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city lived on the trade of olive oil, which is indicated by the many remains of olive-presses among the ruins. The most spectacular remains are a great number of mosaics decorating the floors of rich residences. But their preservation is quite problematic, since they are exposed to the sun, the wind and the visitors, who can trample around freely.
In 1946, the excavations unearthed several bronze busts, one of which was that of Cato of Utica. Other remains of the Roman town have been uncovered, such as what should probably be interpreted as the headquarters of Idris I just below the walls of the Roman town to the west. In certain houses the plan of these grand residences can be seen, with their atrium and their impluvium, as well as certain bathing establishments, particularly four from Roman times with hypocaust (system of central heating) and a hammam from the Arab period.

4. Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca
The Hassan II Mosque of Casablanca was planned on the spot of the old municipal swimming pool. Its construction started on the 12th July 1986 and was inaugurated on the 30th August 1993. It is the world's third largest mosque (after Mecca's and Medina's), with an inner court that can accommodate up to 120.000 worshippers and a prayer room welcoming up to 25.000.
The mosque was built right by the sea and its minaret is 210 meters (680 ft.) high, which makes of the mosque the world's tallest religious building. It was designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau and built by Morocco's best craftsmen recruited around the entire kingdom. Overall, they sculpted 53.000 square meters of wood and painted more than 10.000 square meters of ceramics. Authorities spent an estimated EUR575 million in the construction of the building.

5. Chefchaouen
Chefchaouen is a city located in the Rif Mountains, in Northern Morocco, just inland from Tangiers and Tetouan and almost 2000 feet above sea level. Its name means "the horns" in Berber language in reference to the two main mountain summits that dominate and surround the city. It was founded in 1471 as a fortress to protect its population from the Portuguese and Spanish conquest after the Spanish Reconquista.
Chefchaouen is an enormously popular tourist destination, where over 200 hotels can accommodate the mostly European summer visitors who come to admire its blue-rinsed houses and buildings, a tradition that comes from the town's former Jewish population. This charming city also offers excellent shopping opportunities, especially native handicrafts typical to the region, such as wool garments and woven blankets, as well as some gastronomic delicacies.

So, I passionately invite you to visit Morocco and not to miss these five impressive sites, which constitute true landmarks of the countries traditions, history and artistic wealth.

Once there, you can stay in one of the many fantastic Marrakech hotels or, better yet, in one of the typical riads of Marrakech. You can also stay in a lovely villa in Marrakech, closer to the rural areas, where landscapes are stunning and where the inhabitants will welcome you with open arms.

David Gonzalez-Company (BA Degree in Philosophy, Universitat de València (Spain); MA (Hons) Degree in Mental Philosophy, University of Edinburgh (UK); MA Degree in Comparative Literature, University of Washington (USA)) is a writer, journalist, educator and translator who has traveled extensively and has lived in several European, North American and African countries.
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Morocco - Tourism the Top Priority?

The Moroccan tourism industry could soon benefit from a greater range of major attractions as the influx of large number of visitors has necessitated the need for infrastructure improvements, leisure facilities and recreational outlets. The government efforts to make the country's economy less dependent on the agricultural sector are paying dividends. Authorities in Morocco are keen to diversify and generate economic growth in a more long-term sustainable manner by boosting the tourism trade and aiming to boost annual visitor numbers to ten million by 2010.

Research by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) found that the number of holidaymakers in the country rose by 14 per cent last year. The North African country attracted 7.4 million foreign arrivals in 2007. Morocco is proving to be highly popular with European tourists as nearly three million hailed from France; 1.6 million visitors came from Spain and 419,000 British tourists last year. The tourism industry is now an important source of the growth of country's economy, and it has generated almost a tenth of its gross domestic product last year. The holiday industry generated income of £3.8 billion in 2007 which is 12 per cent more than during the previous year.

Morocco is considered as a good-value holiday destination. The "fabulous" weather, beautiful scenery, beaches and a relaxed pace of life has helped to make Morocco a hotspot for foreign leisure travelers and overseas property buyers. Furthermore, the statistics suggest that there is growing potential in the country's buy-to-let market, as increase in the number of foreign arrivals means that demand for holiday accommodation has gone up.

The main reason for the growing popularity of Morocco among holidaymakers and second home buyers is it is easily accessible with budget airlines while low living costs and ample areas of historical interest makes it an attractive proposition. The price of entering a holiday attraction in Morocco is 3 times lesser than that in Spain. Food and drink in Morocco costs lesser than that in European countries. Figures showed that on average, a pint of beer can be purchased for just 51p and in Spain it would cost £1.56 while a three-course meal is priced at just over £10 and in Spain it is £17.50.

This suggests that property purchase in Morocco could be a potentially lucrative move, as investors in rental accommodation could find themselves in line to benefit from good returns and potentially the proceeds of capital growth. The intensification of tourist-related construction in recent years has suggested that the country has become more and more popular.

Latest real estate news and trends in Morocco real estate and Dubai property
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Moroccan Tourism Industry Is Witnessing a Boom

The global recession has hit all of us pretty badly and it has affected the tourism industry as well. With people having far less to spend on their traveling, the far away destinations have seen a decline in the number of tourists arriving there. But then there are a few places that have seen a sharp increase in the tourist traffic for the very same reasons. Take Morocco for example, it is witnessing a real boom in its tourism sector as millions of tourists head to the country each year. The reason behind this increase of interest of the foreign tourists in Morocco is the cultural diversity, rich history and the awesome sightseeing experience that the country has to offer but also the fact that it is the closest and the cheapest tourist destination outside the Europe. The low price tag attached to the vacations in Morocco has made it a tourism hot spot and the year 2011 has been the best year for the tourism industry of the country.

It's not just the low priced flights and hotels that make millions of tourists to head to Morocco in fact the country is so rich with culture, historical sights and lively night life that even before the recession it had become the favorite destination for many tourists worldwide. Most tourists prefer to take a cheap flight to Rabat, the capital of the country, and use it as a staging ground for their ventures to the other cities of the country. Rabat is a comparably modern city with a world class infrastructure but it does not have much to offer to a foreign tourist that is looking for historical and cultural experiences. To experience the real

traditional Morocco head to the historical city of Fez, which still has the same old feel of the medieval era Moroccan city with thin alleyways and bazaars. In Fez it seems as if the sense of time has ceased to exist as you will find the horse carts, small shops and the locals that wear the traditional dresses - unlike the places like Casablanca where most of the locals, especially the males, prefer the western dresses over the traditional ones. Casablanca is the largest city of Morocco and also the economic center of the country. It is famous for its movie stars, night clubs and the most awesome shopping experience in the whole of Northern Africa.

The historical port city of Tangier along the Mediterranean coast is one of the favourite tourist attractions of the country and attracts thousands of tourists every year. But the cities are not the only attraction of Morocco, the deserts and mountains of the country are also the reason for the arrival of the thousands of tourists from around the world. Jabel Toubkal is the highest mountain of the North Africa and offers a great hiking experience to the visitors. For an enlightening cultural experience pay a visit to one of the numerous Berber villages out in the desert where the residents still live according to their ancient culture and customs.
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Tourist Attractions in Morocco

Sand-dunes to snow-skiing, lush vineyards to hot deserts and mix in sandy beaches, Morocco has it all! This North-African region is a sensory overload and multi-colored mesh of culture and design. Travelers will be awed through the beauty and timeless magnificence of this land that may be resplendent in its culture, heritage and art.

Be allured by the breath-taking architecture of Morocco's mosques, palaces and historical web sites that happen to be by the hundreds all close to this state. Leave your map behind as you go to the labyrinth of Marrakesh exactly where streets are overflowing with quite a few distractions from snake-charmers to silver leather poufs. Dive into the myriad of stores in Marrakech's markets where by just one can come across anything from olives to carpets.

Then head on to Fes, the cultural and religious center of Morocco in which dynasties originating from Muslim Spain and Arab East collided. Together with its bazaars, mosques, medersas (theological colleges), tanneries and crammed streets; Fes has a certain spirituality to it which is a testament to its centuries-old heritage and traditions.

Go to the well-known Casablanca where Morocco is most cosmopolitan. Famed for its rich art galleries and fashion designers, this area exudes its richness and achievements to the planet. The stifling traffic jams and shanty towns are contrasted through the city's hotels, parks, fountains and colonial architecture.
All these destinations have stunning backdrops of areas like the Sahara desert, the mountain ranges of High atlas or even the Oregano Mountains. If you are searching for relaxation, traveling towards the fishing villages of Dakhla along the Moroccan coast or for the beaches of Plage Quemada.

Always remember to travel to the numerous museums like the Museum of Antiquities or the Museum of Moroccan Art where collections of historic manuscripts, pottery, jewelry and other historic objects can be found. Entertainment doesn't stop there! Morocco's theater scene showcases the Shakespearean plays and different modern productions that happen to be full of Moroccan tradition and folklore.

Spring-time (mid-March to May) is when Morocco looks lush and green while autumn (September to November) is when the climate has cooled. Be mindful at the same time on the timing of the Ramadan because town establishments close throughout the day and function hours are lessened.

Be sure to pick official guides rather than faux guides that garner their commission from certain hotels or articles sold to you from particular stalls. Women should be conscious of a certain level of sexual harassment that may be incurred from wearing inappropriate clothing or by making eye-contact. If especially harassed, threatening to file an investigation towards tourism police or the brigade touristique can be very effective.
How many wonders have you visit during your lifetime? Visit and see the top wonders of the world and also have a look at morocco.

Travel And Tourism In Morocco

Likewise many other countries of the world Morocco also represents some famous and beautiful destinations and places which are quite popular through out North Africa. The govt. of Morocco is putting her efforts in order to accumulate more and more resources to develop the overall infrastructure of the state and that's why thousands of constructive works can be seen in many of the popular cities of the country. Several famous places and cities are the key attractive feature for tourists and visitors booking their flights to Morocco Many of the travelers from Europe especially from London enjoy their journey to Morocco. Some of the famous and key places for visitors in Morocco are as follows;

Agdel Gardens
Koutoubia Mosque
Marrakech region
Mediterranean coast of Saidia
Moroccan Sahara
Casablanca Twin Center
Rif Mountains
These all fabulous and astonishing places are a major source to grab the customer attention and thousands of African and international passengers travel to this beautiful state of Morocco through their cheap flights to Morocco. These all places are worth watching and tourists have shown a great interest in all these places.

Certain passengers trying to travel to Morocco through their international flights for visiting purpose prefer to travel many different cities of Morocco and for that reason they travel Casablanca, Rabat, Ifrane, Tangier and many other beautiful and well developed city. There are different things of every one's interest as there are some parts of the country which are absolutely astonishing and have a unique worth in the eyes of the travelers. Auxiliary services are provided to all the passengers and travelers traveling to Morocco for the first time in their life. For having a cheap flight to Morocco just visit our website and save your time and money for the quality and peaceful air travel.

I am a great lover of music and love to join late night parties. Last month I took my flights to Morocco and found a variety of places with exciting nightlife activities.

a detailed report on tourist sites in Morocco

State / MoroccoWeather / climate very mild and beautiful and semi-wet.Tourist cities / Casa, Rabat, Marrakech, AgadirCurrency / dirham and riyal

CasaIs the commercial capital of Morocco and has the Mohammed V airport is a tourist city with many hotels, villas and apartments are furnished and the most important tourist landmarks include:Ain Diab, Hassan II Mosque, Twin City Centre, captivity, Bab Marrakech.

And the Three Star hotels are clean and as good as the column Hotel, Hotel of the globe, Boliopols Hotel and Hotel is the best column for being clean and quiet and close to downtown. For the price of rents apartments ranging from (800/1200) AED per day are not in conformity with its owner more than two days, renewable, and if he insisted on five days and left the site with more safety. The hotel is a good Ajyad is located downtown area, proximity to downtown and the price of a night with breakfast (460) as well as AED Apis Hotel located near the train station and a group of the Accor hotel and the price of its night with Breakfast (480) dirhams. And Mohammedia near Casa Apartments are fully furnished and equipped rental rates range from about the month (5000) dirhams.It is beautiful areas of the city of Casa Bouznika center is located between Rabat and Casa is a beautiful coastal city and is famous for restaurants grilling.ConclusionTourist attractions in all their forms are as follows:1. Bab Marrakech market,2. Captivity, a popular neighborhood in the old city and is known in the sale of jalabiyas.3. Hassan II Mosque, Corniche Ain Diab.4. Casbah, a historic fort. City Odaas, Hassan tower.5. Yarra Park and the restaurant is famous for providing Des Seafood.6. Tony Center, Twin Tower Centre.7. Pools in Zayata Nagdih (250) AED Bakaj bath.

RabatThe city of Rabat on the Atlantic coast and at the mouth of the River Bouregreg It is surrounded by walls and the most important streets of Mohammed V and has the fountain near the train station and around the many hotels and the most important landmarks tourist yard door Sunday and Reed Oudayas and top Kasbah overlooking the beach overlooking also the city of Salé and the other showing Hassan Tower and the mosque is one of the outstanding historic landmarks in Rabat and in the vicinity of the mosque is the tomb of Mohammed V and the park adjacent to the mosque overlooking the River Bouregreg and historical landmarks, also Chellah and the outskirts of Rabat, Temara, Skhirat, Hrhorh, there is a good restaurant in the courtyard door Sunday at the site and parking buses 33,5,7 behind the station and there is a market super Marchi and next to two restaurants and the prices of (20/40) of AED next to the city of Rabat, the capital city of Salé on the right bank of the River Bouregreg It is surrounded by walls, such as the city of Rabat and the beach and one reverse Rabat, which has beaches are many and there are beach Nations and the beautiful gardens and there is a hotel in St. Maghreb excellent hotels and generally of 300/500 AED per day and there are apartments into the mud at the price of 700 dirhams a bedroom, lounge and terminal Africa famous Bataiwajan a dish famous in Morocco and can juice and enough latte, water and corrosion Kaaftar AED 25 and Route Gelinz next to the Hotel Atlas and no bath AED 100 and rental villas at AED 1400 per day made up of two floors and has three rooms and a salon its benefits There are Street Gelinz Kofi Millennium calm and beautiful against the pillars of my peace is replaced Juice Good 3 AED and the name of his companion Muhammad.Rabat is the political capital of Morocco, a city beautiful and sophisticated.Tourist attractions:Okdal area and there are salons contain Moroccan baths and massage salon is the best known and Alsetesy Begin, and the Souissi, peduncle, Avenue Mohamed V. Bouregreg Valley, Marina Chellah Gardens New Garden township and Wadia and attending at sunset fun too, and a tour on the road to the old Casa Skhirat Muhammadiyah fun and there are excellent fish restaurant meal (40) AED, and refer to the bond.Beaches:Beach Herorh and Bouznika, and Kenitra, Castle Wadia. And Rabat Corniche, overlooking the New River Bouregreg bridge starts from the city of Salé to the end of the cliff Oudayas.And there are restaurants of Moroccan cuisine Navy.Housing:

Hassan Hadi is a neighborhood and beautiful apartments and the level of its good and there are many apartments Mohammed V Street and a five-star hotels such as Hotel and other Balem and Golden Street and the former Ambassador of France, excellent neighborhoods for furnished apartments.Car rentalShammari Carr (250) dirhams.MarketsTown Centre, Prince Street, Avenue Mohamed V.Cafes:Hamyat cafe, coffee, yellow, cafe Sakra.

Marrakech, the most beautiful cities of Morocco and tourism, a very enjoyable and can be reached by train or car from Casa and the road to it of the utmost magnificence and beauty that God has for that country. And housing as desired by the Hotels / Apartments / Villas by the desire of the tourist and the prices varying according to the degree of accommodation, elegance, and a variety of both high-end restaurants or popular and very wonderful ambience in this period and there are a variety of tourist places are the following:1. Real Mago Garden.

This park was founded by a French creators is a beautiful, orderly and interface tourist destination of tourists and the majority of the entry fees (30 dirhams) and is open from eight o'clock am to six pm.2. Djemaa el Fna:This arena is located in front of a mosque el Fna and an area of ​​land of vast is one of the most important tourist sites frequented by tourists from five o'clock pm to-night no arena events a variety of strange and exotic, fun and surrounded by cafes, from every direction and turn the evening into restaurants luxury and popular and sit down cafes and roaming in this arena very fun and beauty.3. Alleys of the old city of Marrakech and the marketThese alleys and markets recovered when roaming within a history of this historic city in all stages of the ages that have passed by and experienced and very enjoyable walk with.4. Collector Ketabah:This mosque is the center of Marrakech, known in the sale of old books and modern and visit useful and enjoyable.5. Mountains Eureka:

About these mountains (60) kilometers from Marrakech The Glory of the nature-given beauty and Zaradtha good to enjoy nature and beauty.6. Ali bin FalahA nightclub offers folklore fun for those interested in this aspect and entrance fees to (400) AED with dinner or (100) AED without dinner for the individual.The outskirts of the city of Marrakech Okimdn and away from Marrakech two hours and there are ski and restaurant offers a private meal with chicken tagines are excellent too.And then there is a garden Jinan saffron and saffron production is famous for this. And the village is a palm apartments and villas and a restaurant and a supermarket. There are residential units called Moroccan Riad is characterized by nature and fully equipped hotels and is located close to the Djemaa el Fna Square and the price of the night (320) dirhams.ConclusionTourist areas, all locations are as follows:1. Aloretth Falls.2. Restaurant in the neighborhood of Bab Marrakech Albator. Marrakech Street, a historic lighthouse garden, mosque el Fna Square and the restaurant has its Alhambra Palace, Dar Si Said, a museum.3. Street and has the Kalez Alkavihat parks, gardens won Samanant Lauren and there are a vehicle for the horses, Bahia Palace, the Badi Palace, the new city, Asamath market and sell the famous leather market, Leila, Asamarin market, market the hole, center coral.

Agadir is the most beautiful coastal towns and tourist in Morocco is interested in the State great interest given the numbers of tourists from different nationalities that visit and there are many five-star hotels, a city or a minimum fine and enjoyable. And can be accessed after the completion of visiting the city of Marrakech and the road in the most fascinating of the nature of the scenery that passes by and no break is good and clean after departure from Marrakech by the big restaurant offers a meal of Moroccan months (Twagen) and there are cities, beautiful on the road such as the city Chichaoua and head of the snake and the City is Omskerod of the most beautiful cities on this road and the rest sit out fun.

1. Tourist attractions:Based tourism in Agadir on the beaches and surrounding areas, including:The Casbah, the city center, the museum Alomaziqi, authorized the open air.And neighboring cities, Massa, Imo RAR, Tensanat, to Kamim, Forum sessions.

Housing:There are five-star hotels and four-star apartments and housing is Tadrt district near the neighborhood of honor and branching of the army of the most beautiful street apartments and furnished apartment, consisting of two rooms and a lounge with prices ranging from 350 to 500 dirhams, depending on your ability to negotiate with the owner. Sweden and a hotel night by the price (190) dirhams.2. Cafes:

Found in Agadir cafes diverse and mostly on the degree of excellent service and cleanliness, but to be drawn from the invoice submitted for being exaggerated and very unreasonably, but when observation to you check the billing retreating and give you another at a semi-reasonable so you do not have to look Balmenyu before asking what you want Balash and Alvchkrh of which lead to Astglalk at exorbitant prices and most important of these cafes:

1. Sphinx Cafe of the finest cafes in Agadir.2. Cafe everything is fine.3. Bar does not ska no.4. Cafe Dom does not5. Bar does not Vutin6. Buquent cafe.4. Restaurants:Agadir Restaurants by many diverse and the most important are:1. Sun Casino restaurant next to the Mirage Hotel.2. Restaurant Madden and acetic its excellent.3. Renaissance Restaurant (BBQ by the good).4. Restaurant Bab Marrakech.5. Restaurant Moka role for Hotel Tivoli.6. Takjonaa popular restaurants.

5. Markets:Of the most important existing markets are the following:Morgan market, Sunday market, market Otrkan, market Bezr Gao, market Taliwr Jet, and the best shops and juice Tmimit Verdun.6. CoastAllacott, Bghazot, Ogrod then a tour of the neighborhood eloquent revelation Sonaba, Indian and Suahlah these neighborhoods.7. Rental cars:Places to rent cars based in the Avenue Mohamed V, including:

Six Carr (028826796) and (208840203)8. Four-star hotelsMost good hotels in terms of service, hygiene and varying prices are as follows:1. Omadel Beach Hotel (028829300)2. Andrew Street Hotel Mohammed V (028840940)3. Hotel staff Boulevard Mohammed V (028483040)4. Beach Club Hotel (028844343)5. Beach Road Hotel Tavukt August 20 (028,840,724)6. Hotel Jaka to Wanda (028,280,316).

There are in Agadir walkway beautiful starts from the neighborhood Sonaba to the mountain for two hours and there are also hotel Anzi four stars (400) AED with breakfast is excellent, and a hotel Omadel four-star hotel Ibaro Star and the tour by train tourism is very beautiful and duration (35) minutes and the ticket price (18) AED There are waterfalls on the outskirts of Agadir and its suburbs, the most important beach and away from Taghazout Agadir half an hour and the road easy and beautiful.

Conclusion1. Kasbah is a historic castle.

2. Otrkan a market on Tuesdays and away from Agadir (11) and by how much fun and good.3. City, a city decorated Tqeldeh, the old city of Agadir, a market village.4. Bath palm, success, Jerusalem, the family in peace, Scheherazade Taliwrjt.5. Renaissance Restaurant, Restaurant thousand and one nights, restaurant meals C age of the Navy.

In conclusion, I ask God Almighty that I have been able to provide brief summary of the most important tourist destinations in the Maghreb to be one of the utilities for the tourist to spend a happy holiday and successful

Most beautiful places in Morocco

About Morocco

About MoroccoGeographical locationMorocco is located as one of the countries of the Maghreb in the far north-west of the African continent, bordered by Algeria to the east and south-east, and Mauritania to the south, and west by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea to the north.

SpaceThe area of ​​710,850 square kilometers, Morocco.

Climate and vegetationThe climate of Morocco varies by region, is Mediterranean in the north, west ocean, desert in the south. The coastal areas they enjoy a mild climate.

And is often known as the mountainous areas in the south and cold, wet climate during the winter where you know the Atlas Mountains, which includes the city of Marrakech, heavy snow, and it must prepare for it.Despite all this, the average sunny periods during the day exceeds eight hours. The average temperature in Marrakech in December / December does not exceed 18 degrees.Known as the northern half of the country's two chapters: dry season extends from May / May to the end of the month of September / September, and mild, wet season runs from early October / October to the end of April / April.

The vegetation was Vaiglb Mediterranean character. Mountainous areas are known as the growth of juniper and oak trees, rice and other mountain plants. The plains defines the growth of olive trees and mastic and Staff. While frequently and plant Alafh Shibh Balshob Interior. The oases in southern areas remain the ideal place for the growth of palm trees.

PopulationMorocco has a population of 30 million people growing at 1.8% and the average life expectancy of 67 years.CapitalCapital of the Kingdom of Morocco is Rabat, and a population of 1,500,000 people.

Major citiesFound Rabat as well as a range of major cities:Casablanca: 3,200,000 peopleFez: 719.000 peopleMarrakech: 644.000 peopleMeknes: 600000 peopleTetouan: 484.000 peopleAgadir: 650000 peopleTangier: 750000 peopleEyes: 174,000 peopleThe political structureSystem of government: Constitutional monarchyConstitution of September 13 / September 1996.King of the country: His Majesty King Mohammed VIPrime Minister: His Excellency Mr. Driss JettouParliament consists of two rooms:

* House of Representatives: 325 deputies elected for five years by direct universal suffrage. And has been elected the current Council on 27 September / September 2003.* Council Advisors: 270 counselors elected by indirect suffrage for nine years, and the third of which renews every three years.

LanguagesOfficial Language: ArabicOther languages ​​used: AmazighUsed foreign languages: French, Spanish and EnglishNational dayHoliday Throne :: July 30 / JulySome economic dataMorocco has important mineral resources. It is the third largest producer of phosphate in the world and the first source has about 20 million tons. It also has a stockpile of iron and other minerals such as barite, lead, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, antimony, molybdenum, fluorine. On the other hand, the sources of energy are very limited, as the country's production of anthracite and petroleum and natural gas covers barely 20% of the needs, what forced Morocco to import. However, the discovery of natural gas near Essaouira cause for hope.

The main grain crops are wheat, barley, maize, pulses and beans and lentils, vetch and beans, crops marketing 'and acids. Is also a growing fruit trees, olive trees, an activity is not without importance.The animal husbandry occupies a special place in the farming sector.

And the industrial sector contributes about 28% of the gross domestic product. Come and food industries at the forefront, followed by the textile industry, leather and construction. The transport sector is a sector given the availability of sophisticated Morocco on the road network with a length of 59,474 km and as well as the railway network extends over a distance of 1893 kilometers.

Are the most important airports in Casablanca, Rabat, Fez, Agadir, Marrakech and Tangier, and eyes.And are the most important ports in Casablanca and Mohammedia, Tangier, Dakhla and Nador.And tourism occupies in the services sector leading position, where I turned on the country amounted to $ 2.6 billion in 2002.

The GDP is estimated to be 40.3 billion dollars, an average of $ 1361 per person.
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